In the Steps of The Little Prince

"I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind"
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We are passionate about the science of emotions and meditation, we strive to share our knowledge with simplicity and enthusiasm, in a very lively way and with humor.

"The stars are lit so that everyone can one day find their own".

Embarking on the journey from Tangier to Cape Juby, tracing the footsteps of Saint-Exupéry's creative muse for "The Little Prince," is an intensely personal and inspirational odyssey. As the small plane soars above the breathtaking coastal landscapes, or the rhythmic hum of the road from Casablanca resonates through the soul, one can't help but feel an intimate connection with the author's inner world. In these moments, you become a part of the same horizon that once inspired his words.

The beauty of the journey lies not only in the majestic scenery but also in the profound connection it forges with Saint-Exupéry's timeless spirit, making the trip a pilgrimage of the heart.

What's unique about this tour...

Spirit of Adventure
Intimate Connections
Starry Nights
Philosophical Reflection

Inspired by the legendary Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the visionary behind "The Little Prince." Our tour promises an intimate connection with the desert, coastal beauty, and local cultures, much like the Little Prince's quest for understanding diverse characters and the world. Under the enchanting starry nights of the Sahara and Tarfaya, you'll find yourself reflecting on life's mysteries. As you explore these landscapes, you'll delve into the profound philosophy of love, friendship, and the beauty of life, drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of "The Little Prince" and Saint-Exupéry's aéropostal adventures. This journey is a unique blend of adventure, connection, stargazing, and philosophical reflection

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